In the northwest corner of Saskatchewan, along the south shore of Lake Athabasca is an area unique to North America. The Athabasca Sand Dunes is the largest active sand surface in Canada and one of the world’s most northerly major sand dunes. It stretches for 100km along the shores of Lake Athabasca.  The dunes, reaching 30m high and 1500m long, are part of a fragile eco-system and protected within a provincial park. You’ll think you’ve somehow ended up in northern Africa.

Because this area is so unique and so fragile, the Saskatchewan Government preserved it as a Wilderness Park. On this wilderness trip you’ll get to hike through an area that is pretty amazing! You’ll get to stand on top of the biggest sand dunes on the continent. You’ll see plants that only grow here. You’ll understand why the Athabasca Sand Dunes Wilderness Area is being protected. This trip is run in partnership with our friends at Churchill River Canoe Outfitters.

Want to Learn More?

Click here to access a detailed trip package with an itinerary and a full list of inclusions and exclusions. To access a recommended packing list, click here.

Dates, Rates & Availability

Prices listed are per person. All trips listed are tentative until confirmed by the Black Feather Office. Click here for our booking, payment and cancellation policies. Please contact us to be put onto a waiting list if your desired trip is full.

Dates Trip Fee Availability
Wed. July 30 - Fri. Aug 8, 2025 $7,425 CAD Book Now

What's included



  • 6:1 ratio


  • all meals and snacks from Day 1 lunch to Day 10 lunch

Camping Equipment

  • tents – free standing expedition dome tents – 2 per tent
  • ‘kitchen’ – tarp, fire box, cooking stoves, utensils, dishes, etc
  • containers for food and group equipment

Safety Equipment

  • first aid, safety, river rescue, and repair kits
  • communications equipment (satellite phone)

Local Transportation

  • charter flight to and from Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park from Fort McMurray at the start and end of the trip
  • transportation of guides, group gear, etc. to and from trip
cabin accommodation icon


  • 9 nights camping