This spectacular hiking expedition takes place in the Northern Purcell Mountains near Glacier National Park, British Columbia, a land at a crossroads of first nations traditional territories. This trip will take place on the traditional territories of the K’tunaxa, Okanagan, Sinixt and Secwépemc peoples. The pristine environment requires the utmost respect. We will be practicing leave no trace camping all throughout the trip, and honouring the land.

During this alpine traverse, you can expect to hike 5-10 km per day on uneven terrain with moderate elevation gain and loss. It will be a self-supported trip, you will carry your pack with all necessary personal and group gear and food. Your pack will likely weigh between 25 and 35 kg, depending on your specific gear requirements. The goal is to trek each day, arriving at a scenic campsite where we will set up our tents and enjoy the evening.

The Dogtooth Traverse is a suitable expedition for any reasonably fit and adventurous hiker with previous experience on a multi-night hiking trip. 

Want to Learn More?

Click here to access a detailed trip package with an itinerary and a full list of inclusions and exclusions. To access a recommended packing list, click here.

Dates, Rates & Availability

Prices listed are per person. All trips listed are tentative until confirmed by the Black Feather Office. Click here for our booking, payment and cancellation policies. Please contact us to be put onto a waiting list if your desired trip is full.

Dates Trip Fee Availability
Thurs. July 17 - Thurs. July 24, 2025 $4,895 CAD Book Now
Thurs. Aug 14 - Thurs. Aug 21, 2025 $4,895 CAD Book Now

What's included



  • 6:1 ratio


  • 5 nights camping
  • 2 nights at Heather Mountain Lodge – double occupancy


  • meals while at Heather Mountain Lodge on Day 1, 2, 7 & 8
  • trail meals and snacks on from Day 2 Lunch to Day 7 Lunch

Camping Equipment

  • rugged expedition dome tents – 2 per tent
  • “kitchen”: tarp, cooking stoves, utensils, dishes, etc.

Safety Equipment

  • first aid, safety, river crossing, and repair kits
  • communications equipment (radio, inReach)


  • helicopter transfer (Day 1 & 8)
  • transportation of guides, group gear, food, etc. to and from Heather Mountain Lodge