Nestled in Newfoundland’s northern coast, Notre Dame Bay highlights a diverse archipelago that has offered sanctuary for travelers of the stormy Atlantic Ocean for ages. Visited by the Dorset Inuit over a thousand years ago, they were the last of the indigenous Beothuk. Later, these islands harboured thriving fishing communities. Today they lay silent, their inhabitants having moved to the mainland, or even further afield. During our voyage we will explore the region’s cultural and natural history, as well as paddle among the enormous icebergs that drift into the bay this time of year.

This trip is run in cooperation with our friends at Coastal Adventures.

Want to Learn More?

Click here to see available sea kayaking tours in Newfoundland and click here to learn more about what to pack!

Whats Included



  • 5:1 ratio


  • 7 nights of camping (tents may be rented from for an extra fee)

Trail Meals

  • all meals and snacks from Day 1 lunch to Day 8 lunch

Kayaking Equipment

  • sea kayaks with rudders, waterproof hatches
  • spray decks, paddles, PFDs (you may bring your own)
  • cold-water clothing: wet suits, paddling jackets, booties, pogies, hoods
  • throw lines, pumps, and other safety accessories

Camping Equipment

  • sleeping mattress
  • ‘kitchen’ – tarp, fire box, cooking stoves, utensils, dishes, etc
  • dry bags and containers for food and group equipment

Safety Equipment

  • first aid, safety, kayak rescue gear, and repair kits
  • emergency communications equipment

Local Transportation

  • shuttle of group and gear between Botwood and the put-in / take-out point on Day 1 and Day 8
  • transportation of guides, group gear, food, etc. to Botwood