Northwest Greenland has some of the most dramatic and inaccessible scenery on earth. Here we paddle the margin of the Greenland Ice Cap, “island hopping” from one dot of land to another as glaciers calve in the background. These waterways are the home of Inughuit (the Great People), the most direct descendants of the Thule people that populated Canada’s High Arctic. These people maintain an amazingly intact hunting culture and still actively use the fjords for hunting narwhal. Paddling days are interspersed with day hikes to allow for some amazing views.
This expedition is suitable for those with some previous sea kayaking and wilderness camping experience. Intermediate to advanced kayaking skills are recommended. The isolation, cold water and ice, and 12 days of wilderness camping make the trip unsuitable for the complete novice. If you are looking to develop your existing sea kayak skills, you should consider our Georgian Bay Islands or our Georgian Bay North Channel trips. If you are looking to get into sea kayaking for the first time, our Georgian Bay Getaway is an excellent place to start!
If this trip isn’t quite right for you but you still want to visit Greenland, check out our East Greenland sea kayaking expeditions to the Ammassalik Fjords. We also offer hiking trips in East Greenland.
This trip is run in co-operation with S and K Expeditions.
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